
Simulates Tebex donations to make it appear as if many people are purchasing items or donating. This can enhance the perceived popularity and trustworthiness of your server.

Configuration Information

enabled - This determines whether the module is active (true) or inactive (false).

donation-delay - Sets the minimum and maximum delay in seconds between fake donations.

response-delay - Configures the minimum and maximum delay in seconds before sending a response after a fake donation.

responders - Specifies the minimum and maximum number of automated responses to each fake donation.

responses - Lists the messages that can be sent in response to fake donations, such as "gg".

packages - Defines the messages associated with specific fake donation packages.

# This module connects to Tebex with fake donations
# May make players to want to buy more items on your server.

enabled: true

    min: 10
    max: 20

    min: 1
    max: 5

    min: 1
    max: 3

    - "gg"

    test: # The package ID for fake donations
        - "&7[&6Buycraft&7] &c&l%player% &7has bought &a1x &6Legendary &7key!"