
Adjusts how many spoofed players are in the game automatically. You can set a fixed number or change it based on how many real players are there, keeping the game feeling busy.

Configuration Information

enabled - This determines whether the module is active (true) or inactive (false).

hooks - Integrates with placeholder-api and tab for enhanced functionality.

settings - Controls debug mode, the minimum number of real players needed, the maximum number of spoofed players, and the visibility chance of spoofed players.

user-provider - Selects the source of usernames, either from a database (NAME_MC) or a local file (FILE).

join-delay and leave-delay - Sets the minimum and maximum seconds bots will wait before joining and after joining, before leaving.

spoofing - Dictates the number of bots based on fixed numbers or a percentage of real players.

times - Configures special adjustment settings that are triggered at specific times of the day, affecting the number and percentage of bots active.

# This module makes bots automatically join and leave, depending
# on how many real players are currently online.
# I'd recommend 1.2 (20%) to 1.25 (25%) on a production server.

enabled: true

    placeholder-api: true
    tab: true

    debug: false
    required-players-to-start: 0
    max-spoofed-players: -1 #-1 for unlimited
    spoofed-player-chance: 100 #Chance that a spoofed player is visible (NOTE: "show-spoofed-entity" in the main "config.yml" must be false!

user-provider: "NAME_MC" #NAME_MC, FILE (FILE takes from users.txt). Chooses from what source usernames should be picked from

#In Seconds
join-delay: #How long before they join (the delay is a random number between min & max in seconds)
    min: 1
    max: 10

#In Seconds
leave-delay: #How long before they leave after joining (the delay is a random number between min & max in seconds)
    min: 1
    max: 10

        min: 5
        max: 10
        min: 2.0
        max: 2.5

# When a time from here is reached it will set the fluctuation settings to the specified settings.
# These settings will not turn on if the server is started past said time. It will have to reach
# the time while the server is online

        time: "12:0" #Hour, minute
            min: 1.25
            max: 1.5
            min: 15
            max: 25